Reading Graduate Names

Doctoral, MFA, and Medical Professional degree candidates

Doctoral, MFA, and Medical Professional degree candidates are required to provide a phonetic pronunciation for how they would like their name read at the commencement ceremony on Friday, May 9. NameCoach will send each graduate an email with a link to record and provide their name pronunciation.

How to provide your pronunciation

Graduates will receive their name card upon arrival at the Kohl Center. During the ceremony, graduates will give their card to a name reader who will use the provided pronunciation to read their name as the graduate crosses the stage. There is no master list that graduates’ names are read from.

Example of a Winter 2024 name reader card

Graduate walking across stage holding red diploma cover smiling and waving.

Bachelor’s, Law, and Master’s degree candidates

Bachelor’s, Law, and Master’s Degree Candidates will not have their names read during the ceremony at Camp Randall on Saturday, May 10. This decision is due to the high number of graduates in attendance and limited time available at Camp Randall.